Book review: The Co-walkers by Hermine Steinberg

I just got the chance to review a children's book called The Co-walkers by Hermine Steinberg. Hermine is a teacher from Toronto. She wrote this story for her four children but it grew into something bigger that she wanted to share with everyone. The Co-walkers is the first book of a trilogy.

Here is a little bit about the storyline:
This is about a journey of three children, Brain, Matthew and Ashley; who must learn to find strength, joy, and meaning in their lives. They learn that one can choose their own path, and every person has the power to transform his or her sad story into one of heroism and purpose. Their journey takes them through realms of faeries and humans, in order to find the truth and purpose. The children must battle evil faeries, find the magic talismans and earn the respect of the Counsel of Elders.

My opinion of the book:
I believe this book will take anyone on a journey through time and fantasy! I read this book within hours and plan on reading it to my daughter (6 years of age). Hermine takes you through Celtic and pagean mythology nicely with adventure and excitement. I say well done Hermine and I cannot wait until the next book!

The Co-walkers is available at, chapters/indigo, and Barnes and Noble. You can also find out more information about this book and author from the site:


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